An open laptop and tan coffee mug sitting on a wooden desk with a tan metal chair sitting behind the desk.

5 Signs It’s Time to Rewrite Your Website Copy

Underwhelming and underperforming.  If your website copy is either of these things, then it’s time for a change!  Run through the five signs below for a heart-to-heart with your current copy and let the refresh begin. You know it’s time to re-write your website copy when … 1. It’s been a hot minute since you…

Write Better Copy With This Simple Tip

Super-embarrassing confession here. When I was a child, apparently I couldn’t walk by a shiny object (i.e. mirror, toaster, or anything with a reflection) without staring at myself and smiling. Usually I had a brush in hand, too. Diva much?!  This is back when I wanted to be an actress on The Young & the…
Copywriter typing on laptop.

An Easy Fix to Last-Minute Launches

So, you’re launching a new program, product, or service, and the launch date circled in red on your calendar is quickly approaching.  Make that, VERY quickly approaching. You thought you had SO much time to prep your launch copy, but unfortunately, you didn’t get the memo.  Nobody told you just how much copy there would be!  Between…
4 Email Topics Your List Will Love

4 Email Topics Your List Will Love

So, you’ve got people on your email list – people who are ready, waiting, and excited to hear from you!  How cool is that?  But then the fear kicks in. What if you have nothing to say? (You do!)  What if your emails are boring? (They’re not!)  What if your subscribers think you’re being annoying? (They don’t!)  And…
A blush colored mug sitting on top of a stack of books beside a blush coloured vase - How to Write Sleaze-Free Sales Page Copy

How to Write a Sleaze-Free Sales Page

Ever been THIS close to buying something, but then backed out at the last minute because the salesperson was horribly, over-the-top, annoyingly salesy?  It’s not that you didn’t want the product …  You just didn’t want to be peer pressured like a scene from an after-school special.  As you’re writing your sales page copy, make sure to avoid these…